
Montessori and Earth Arts Curricula at the EcoCommunity School

Indoor and outdoor Montessori prepared learning environments;
integrative academics; earth arts studios and programs; student internships; and more.
ECS is now accepting elementary students for the 2020-21 school year. Midyear enrollment before then will be considered based on applicants and need.  Applications for middle school students will be accepted for programming in the near future.
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 Montessori Education

Maria Montessori was the first woman in Italy to become a medical doctor.  For more than 50 years, she intently observed and studied how children develop and learn, from birth to adulthood, distilling a remarkable and much drawn upon educational theory.  In addition, she masterfully created a progressive series of multisensory learning materials that span a broad, holistic curriculum. These elements, combined within carefully prepared learning environments and specially trained teachers or ‘guides,’ make up the Montessori method of education.
To learn more, please visit the Association Montessori Internationale at

Montessori Infant & Toddler Communities (prenatal – 3 years) – Coming soon!

During this period of intense physical and intellectual development, the child absorbs his or her surrounding culture and languages. Personality, values, and social skills are developing.

Montessori trained teachers, or guides, lead part-time classrooms, in addition to supporting parent and caregiver group opportunities to utilize these beautifully prepared environments and materials. Parenting groups and workshops are available regularly.


Montessori Children’s House (3-6 years) Coming soon! 

At this age, children are ready for hands on practice to perfect real-life skills and utilize manipulative learning materials to develop both large and small muscle movement, sensory perception, language, and intellect.
Half and full day programs are available. Parenting groups and workshops are available regularly.

Montessori Elementary I and II (6-9 years & 9-12 years) – NOW ACCEPTING STUDENTS!

Elementary represents an exciting plane of development as children become ready to delve enthusiastically into a broad range of intellectual studies, particularly the sciences and social studies, more advanced mathematics, geography, music, and the arts. At this age, children have a vibrant imagination and begin to develop concepts that are increasingly abstract. Elementary students are ready to more deeply explore the social realms of their community – field trips are essential during this time, as we extend into our greater community to explore our world and gain new experiences! Social and emotional development and support within our close-knit school community is an ongoing practice.

Montessori Erdkinder “Earth School” (12-15 years) – PROGRAM CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT ~ ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS NOW!

Renowned Montessori author, Susan Stephenson discusses the unique needs of the adolescent aged child:

“Dr. Montessori felt that because of the rapid growth, the increased need for sleep, and hormonal changes, it is useless to try to force the adolescent to concentrate on intellectual work. She recommended an Erdkinder, or Earth School, where children would live close to nature, eat fresh farm products, and carry on practical work related to the economics of supplying food, shelter, transportation, and so forth. Intellectual work is still done, following the child’s interests, but without pressure.”

The EcoCommunity School provides and ideal Erdkinder experience for Middle School students, aged 13-15. Programs starting and ending later in the day are available for Middle and High School students.


Montessori High School Program (15-18 years) – Coming soon!

Diverse intellectual work is combined with work in the community, social connections, and apprenticeships with the support of Montessori trained teachers and guides. This program encompasses special focus on college and workplace preparation, including the development of appropriate life skills.

Earth Arts ~ Sustainable living skills

Permaculture and regenerative design in harmony with nature
Safe wild edible foraging
Whole foods culinary arts & food preservation
Homesteading Skills
Wilderness survival, primitive skills
Ecological studies and environmental stewardship
Respectful, natural animal care and rescue
Green technology studies and development
Green building and design
Sustainable aquaculture
Sustainable woodworking
Bicycle repair and maintenance
Music, instrument building
Fine arts
Pottery and sculpture
Spinning & natural dyes
Weaving, knitting, crochet
Outdoor recreation, games, and play
Skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating, sliding, plus used equipment program
Yoga, parkour, aikido, other movement arts
Theater, dance, other performance arts
Holistic philosophies
Holistic healing modalities, integrative health studies
Sustainable Culture
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Learning is an ongoing adventure! Follow your interests and passions to discover your own unique path.

Learning is an ongoing adventure! Follow your interests and passions to discover your own unique path.